Dr. Yvette Lu explains why the COVID-19 pandemic makes it particularly important to get the flu vaccine this year.
Tag: family doctor
Protect yourself from low air quality (Breakfast Television Interview)
Air quality remains low here from wildfire smoke. Here are some quick tips to keep yourself safe while it remains smoky.
(Approx 3 minutes)
For more detailed information, also check out my longer video on staying safe from wildfire smoke:
“Time Space People Place”: How to decide what is safe to do as we open up (video)
How do we decide what activities are safe to do during the pandemic? Which activities are still too risky? It is confusing to know what we can and can’t do now that things are opening up. In this video, I go over a simple method that uses the phrase “Time Space People Place” to assess risk, so we can make informed decisions about what activities we choose to do when we leave our homes.
Debunking COVID-19 myths (Breakfast Television Interview)
Will warmer weather make COVID-19 go away?
Do home remedies work?
Should we take Vitamin D to prevent COVID-19?
Can flushing the toilet spread COVID-19?
These questions and more discussed on today’s chat!
COVID-19: What to expect this summer (video)
What will my summer of 2020 look like? Do I have to physically distance? How many people can I socialize with? What on earth is a pandemic bubble? Is it safe to eat at restaurants? Can I host a gathering? Will there be concerts and festivals? Can I play outdoor sports? Will there be organized sports? How will everything look when we open up?
Dr. Yvette Lu looks at what to expect for the summer of 2020 as we continue to deal with the challenges of living during a COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 questions from Kids (Breakfast TV Interview)
Dr. Lu answers questions submitted by kids. Great questions, kids!
Twelve more COVID-19 questions answered by Dr. Yvette Lu (video)
A lot of issues have come up since I posted my last video.
In this video, I look at:
- Where are we at now?
- When can we open up again and what should businesses do to prepare?
- Why can’t we just let everyone get the disease?
- What is the role of antibody testing?
- What is convalescent plasma therapy?
- What do I do if I need to see a doctor during this time?
- Is it safe to go to the ER?
- Do I need a mask?
- Do I need to sterilize my groceries?
- Is it safe to get take out or delivery
- Can I get COVID-19 from someone who runs or cycles past me?
- Do I have pandemic fatigue?
This is a long one (19 minutes). Grab some water, have a seat, and enjoy.
Links to items mentioned in the video are below.
Links to items mentioned in the video:
Evidence around using face masks and how to use one properly: https://youtu.be/blUeRGMOog0
Coronavirus FAQ (original video): https://youtu.be/x7eb9OczOck
To donate convalescent plasma, contact Canadian Blood Services. https://blood.ca/convalescentplasma
In the US, contact the Red Cross. http://www.redcross.org/plasma4covid
New York Times documentary by Nick Kristof:
BCCDC Modeling presentation:
Top three COVID-19 questions (Breakfast TV interview)
Dr. Yvette Lu answers your top three COVID-19 questions. Topics discussed:
-COVID-19 symptoms including unique symptoms like COVID toes and loss of smell.
-Who should get a COVID-19 test and how.
-Should I worry if I’m outside and someone runs or cycles by me?
How to navigate your healthcare during the pandemic (Breakfast TV interview)
Dr. Lu explains why it’s important stay in touch with your family doctor during the pandemic, and when to go to the ER.
COVID-19 prevention: Do I need a mask? (video)
In this video, Dr. Lu comprehensively explains the evidence around wearing face masks and how to use them properly. (Approximately 16 minutes)